Dharmarajika Buddhist Monastery

Dhaka is the capital and the largest city of Bangladesh. It is speed in long, chequered history, art, culture and tradition. The city offers dozens of attractions. It is a hub of business activity. Dhaka is a popular haunt for tourists, both local and foreign alike.The architectural marvels across the city are a combination of both ancient styles and more reorganised construction trends. Dhaka has many claims to fame for multiple establishments. Dharmarajika Buddhist Monastery is one of them. It aims at standing beside the poor community members who are left behind the trail of development.
Buddhism has been doing well in Bangladesh from even before the twelfth century. The Dharmarajika Buddhist Monastery was constructed in 1962, and has been serving the community ever since. Even though it has become one of the popular attractions in Dhaka, the monastery is fully organised as a place of payer,welfare project leader, orphanage, health clinic and school. Through these functions, the monastery plays a vital role in the lives of many Bangladeshis.
As a place of worship, the monastery teaches its devotees the age old principals of peace, wisdom,living in concord with one another, compassion and goodwill. Through their welfare projects, they assist community members during disasters and problems they may be facing. To develop the lives of the youth and to aid those that have nowhere to go, the Dharmarajika Buddhist Monastery opened an orphanage and school in 1972 and have helped thousands of children to realise their dreams of becoming valuable members of society.

The Dharmarajika Buddhist Monastery consists of a prayer dormitory, the main temple, the Nikko Niwano Clinic and the Dharmarajik Lalitakala Academy. Inside the main monastery, visitors will be able to view the black stone Buddha that is over a thousand years in age, ruins, statues from across the world and a magnificent bronze st200atue, to name a few of the items found in the monastery that are of historical and religious value. A visit to the Dharmarajika Buddhist Monastery is most definitely worth it, as it incorporates architectural wonder, historical artifacts and religious importance, along with true kind and sympathy for the community.


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